The completely redeveloped DX65 handheld scanner will now be a must-have in the modern toolbox of your car. Like the compulsory emergency camera, the DX65 is a specialist patiently waiting for its use in the glove box or trunk. It is not the question of whether the mission comes, but when. If the vehicle shows a malfunction, you will be able to quickly and easily find out if it is just a trifle or even announces a capital damage. In the former case, you can simply cancel the emergency operation by deleting the error, in the latter case, you control the factory seat immediately. Both situations are defused by the appropriate information, which is now additionally, uncomplicated and inexpensive.
The technology has it all. The electronic heart is a Cortex M3 controller, state-of-the-art 32bit technology even available in the low-cost range. This has never happened in this segment before. Noticeable consequence is a very fast connect to the car and a complex data transmission. Paired with newly developed display technology and very bright backlighting, the DX65 is very well and reliably readable even in unfavorable lighting conditions. Even the shapely and amazingly grippy housing is full in the hand. A highlight is the patented "Richter" automotive mounting system, many inexpensive and widely available components allow individual solutions for easy mounting in the car. Inner values, such as the newly developed brand recognition, enable simple vehicle-specific diagnostics. Also a novelty with OBD2 scanners.
Features |
- Schneller automatischer Protokollscan
- Handheldmodus auf 132x32 Vollgrafik LCD-Display mit ultraheller, weißer Beleuchtung (Helligkeit einstellbar)
- Menüsprache Deutsch und Englisch
- Zwei Tasten Navigation
- Akustische Unterstützung (Tonausgabe)
- VIN Erkennung
- Fehlerdatenbank mit über 5.000 OBD Fehlercodes
- Sensordaten Anzeige
- Fehlerspeicher auslesen und löschen, MIL zurücksetzen
- Fehlerumgebungsvariablen zur Fehlereingrenzung
- Unterstützt Fahrzeuge mit mehreren Steuergeräten (z.B. Automatik)
- Robustes ABS Gehäuse, speziell entwickeltes Industriedesign
Unterstützte Protokolle |
ISO (ISO9141-2) |
PWM (SAE J1850) |
VPWM (SAE J1850) |
KWP2000 (ISO14230-4)
Fast & Slow |
CAN-Bus (ISO15765-4)
11Bit / 29Bit / 250kBaud / 500kBaud |
Diagnose-Gerät |
Anschlußkabel |
Anleitung |