This adapter is special for the Hella Gutmann diagnose units Mega Macs 40*/42/45/50/66.
With this cable you can diagnose older
vehicles that still have a diagnostic socket in the engine compartment.
Mercedes Benz Sprinter,
Vito und
V Class,
VW LT Nutzfahrzeuge.
Function-compatible to the Gutmann Adapter
MER04 with the part number
342339 (8PZ 010 603-091).
*) If you update your Gutmann Mega Macs 40 with the software version 1.27 you can use all adapters like for the Mega Macs 50.
This adapter is to be used exclusively for the above-mentioned Hella Gutmann Mega Macs devices! It is not suitable for use with other diagnostic interfaces.